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With volunteers in 6 major cities in Australia and Cambodia, CBN keeps you updated about events celebrating Khmer culture and community. We hope to see you there. Come and say hi!

CBN supports and promotes up and coming Khmer Entertainers. We celebrate 45 000 You Tube and Facebook followers and aim to raise the profile of performers by providing opportunities in Australia and Cambodia.

If you would like assistance in raising your profile please contact Cameron Sar at CBN. We aim to create a mutually beneficial relationship promoting both CBN and your career as a performer.


Khmer Kids share their ideas and learn valuable skills in cooking and public speaking, all while having fun!


With over 10,000,000 views on You Tube, CBN Media gives the global Cambodian community a voice.


Create Community Cambodia is a partnership between CBN Media and Swinburne University. In February 2014 CCC travelled to Cambodia to construct an arts centre for local students in Kampot Province which will be documented on film.


Whether you’re homesick or just curious… this is the place for all things Khmer, such as: news and events, documentaries, famous celebrities, music, and the place to experience Cambodian and performers interviews, people’s stories, traditional khmer food, and more! Please help us grow the Cambodian community in Australia!

Bringing Khmer current affairs to the global community, highlighting inequities, past and present, to Cambodians. We spotlight issues to provoke discussion and create change. No more injustice!
CBN values community and encourages our Khmer people to try new things! We encourage Cambodians to integrate into Australian culture and society whilst retaining our heritage and honouring past generations who have suffered hardship to enable our a thriving future. 
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